Sunday, May 11, 2008

Disaster in Poverty

I often wonder why natural disasters mostly strike countries stricken with extreme poverty and greedy government. Still have no definite or logical answer to it. Some call it cleansing, going all the way back to the wrath of the divine one... yeah sure how convenient , just blame someone else who can’t and might never be ‘visible’ to defend the accusation.

The questions may be many and the answers few but perhaps the answer is right here within us. Are we the cause? Are we are self -destructive. Could it all be our doing?

Ok maybe not all; we for sure didn’t create typhoons, tsunamis and earthquakes, or could we have created this too, the affects from the centuries of human abuse, taking everything for granted as we always have and still do.

Guess like the chicken and egg question, I can turn myself inside out and may never find the answer.

Be it divine or human errors, I just hope it will stop. Too many people are already suffering and these disasters are rubbing salt in their extremely deep and painful wound!

I can never imagine the life these people had in poverty and oppression, losing their loved ones in a split second, and how they would even re build their lives. I am fragile in the presence of the survivors of disasters, and I bow my head in total awe and admiration for their strong faith, strength and hope they have and believe in.

To the recent victims and survivors of Myanmar Cyclone Nargis my heart weeps for your immeasurable loss. I know that the world’s prayers are with you as all continue to provide aid and rebuild your homes and lives.

I call on all ‘fortunate’ humans across the world to do their part in fund raising for Myanmar Cyclone 2008.

Let’s hope this will be the last disaster to strike planet earth.

Be nice to your environment and to each other on earth because at the end of the day that’s all we got.

Peace out...

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